Alkameyst life Private Limited is the complete solution for all your Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient requirements. Our vast supplier/distributor network and our partnership-oriented approach allow us to operate as a globally connected enterprise that is locally invested in your healthcare needs.
We established our presence as an active exporter of pharmaceutical raw materials in 2010. Today we have established relationships with companies internationally and export to hong kong, Nigeria, Kuwait, Kenya and East Africa.

Alkameyst Limited Regulatory Teams
Alkameyst is the leading supplier of active pharmaceutical ingredients & Intermediates,with customers, ranging from small start-up companies to worldwide giants within the pharmaceutical industry. We rightly recognize customers liking for a quality active pharmaceutical ingredients & Intermediates and Excipients at a competitive cost. We are well aware with active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) global market and its trends. We organize this from a very renowned, recognized and approved Pharmaceutical companies in Honk Kong and international, who has strong past testimony in this area and whose manufacturing sites are permitted by different controlling agencies from the world. All our associated company’s facilities are designed to meet the highest worldwide standards for API (active pharmaceutical ingredients) & Intermediates.
Alkameyst regulatory teams ensure these facilities are cGMP compliant. All of our commercial API manufacturers have passed FDA inspections, and are classified as Acceptable, providing distinct and unique capabilities to produce high quality, competitively-priced APIs in the following strategic areas:
• Antibiotics
• Inorganic Compounds
• Organometalic Compounds
• Polypeptides
• Complex Organic Compounds –
We can provide you with almost limitless options.